Doing Business with the PPA
Contract Bids
None at this time.
None at this time.
Solicitation For Bids
None at this time.
Award Justification Forms
You may review all current award justification forms for the Pittsburgh Parking Authority on the City of Pittsburgh website (currently not available).
Bidding Procedures
The Pittsburgh Parking Authority purchases assorted items and services on an as needed, semiannual, or annual basis, depending on the commodity. The following information will explain what a vendor should expect to find and what information is necessary in doing business with the Authority.
The Authority will also post current and upcoming opportunities to the City of Pittsburgh Beacon, Buying Plan. The Beacon is a free service that notifies subscribed businesses about opportunities. In order to be notified by e-mail you must first subscribe to the service. Visit the City of Pittsburgh web-site at to subscribe to be a member. Please note that this service is managed by the City of Pittsburgh and not the Pittsburgh Parking Authority. The Authority utilizes this service for advertisement only.
The Authority wants to ensure that all businesses get a fair chance to competitively bid for Authority contracts. Minority, women-owned and small business enterprises are encouraged to participate, along with all other firms. Competition can be very beneficial to the pricing offered to the Authority.
Bidders should be advised that the bid documents for advertised contracts are available in the offices of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority and can also be requested via email
Pittsburgh Parking Authority,
232 Blvd. of the Allies,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
MWDBE Participation Information
The Authority is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to minorities, women and disadvantaged veteran owned small-businesses and equal opportunities for business growth and development to those entrepreneurs. To that end, the Authority requires that all contractors and subcontractors performing work for the Authority demonstrate a good faith effort to obtain the participation of minority and women business enterprises in the work to be performed for the Authority and to employ minorities and women during performance of the work. It is the Authority's objective to obtain minority and women's participation in its contracts with the goal being twenty-five percent (25%) of the contract amount expended for minority participation and ten percent (10%) of the contract amount expended for women's participation and a goal of 6% for veteran-owned small business. The Authority promotes the full utilization of subcontracting activities to ensure a successful Minority and Women's Participation Plan but, in both situations, can be demonstrated by diversity on your team. Provide tangible evidence that your organization has made a good faith effort to satisfy these goals. Respondents can contact the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PAUCP) at their website for listings of certified professional services
Bonding Requirements
The Bonding requirements will be detailed for each contract within its text and specifications. Bonds submitted by unsuccessful bidders will be returned when an award is made..
Requirements for Commodities and Service Contracts Over $28,700
Contracts for bids over $28,700 are awarded on the basis of sealed competitive bids with the award being made to the lowest responsible bidder. A bid is an offer to sell to the Authority certain supplies or services at a firm price. Advertisements appear in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Courier, the Pittsburgh Parking Authority’s website and the City of Pittsburgh Beacon, Buying Plan. A daily check of one of these papers and/or sites will prevent you from missing a business opportunity. These bids are usually due at the Authority offices two weeks from the date of advertisement.
The public is invited to attend the Bid opening. At that time, all bids will be opened and read aloud. Bids are due by the time shown on the day of the bid opening unless specifically indicated. They will be clocked in electronically. No late bids will be considered. The bids are then tabulated for easy comparison. All items bid must meet specifications and must be on the proper forms and completed according to the instructions. The Authority will evaluate the lowest bidder to ensure that the specifications were met, and the included instructions were followed in submitting the bid. The Authority Board of Directors awards the bids at Board Meetings.
Please Note
Demolition or construction contracts differ from those contracts previously mentioned with respect to security and insurance requirements. Additionally, a fee may be charged for plans of construction projects. Again, please carefully review each requirement within each RFP or Solicitation.
Bid Package Contents
- Proposal Sheets - Includes project or equipment specifications and complete instructions. The proposal sheet must be signed by hand in ink.
- Bid Sheet - Used to give the unit prices and total prices as requested.
- Bid Bond - To be completed and signed by the bidder and the bonding company. Must include the appropriate corporate seals, if possible.
- Instruction Form - Specifies the date and time of bid opening.
Letter Bids or Inquiry Bids $28,700 or Less
Letter bids for services or commodities under $28,700 and Inquiry bids (for materials, supplies, and equipment under $11,500) will be mailed, or phone calls will be made to at least three potential bidders. These bids will not be advertised in the newspaper. If you have any questions or concerns, please call before submitting your bid. The Authority staff will be glad to assist bidders to assure that they bid properly.
Items and Services May Include, but are not Limited to, the Following:
- Carpet Service
- Chemicals
- Computer Supplies & Equipment
- Construction Services
- Elevator Maintenance
- Insurance
- Janitorial & Cleaning
- Office Equipment & Supplies
- Overhead Door Repairs
- Paint & Supplies
- Property Damage Restoration
- Printing & Forms
- Revenue Control Equipment
- Signage
- Telecommunication Equipment
- Uniforms
- Vehicle Purchase, Parts & Service
- Bidders should be sure instructions are followed very closely in the preparation of bid documents.
- Forms incorrectly or incompletely filled out may be grounds for rejection of bid.
- Remember to turn in the bids on time.
- Include necessary documents such as bonds or certified checks. Remember to sign your proposal by hand in ink.
The Pittsburgh Parking Authority looks forward to doing business with your firm and is available to answer any questions you may have, call us at (412) 560-7275 (PARK)
Vendor Application Form - How to do Business with the Pittsburgh Parking Authority
Please fill out the form located here: PPA - Vendor Application Form (note: this will open in a new window)